Hive Ventilation

This quick video will show you how to check your hive vents and unblock them if needed.

Each of our hives has at least three ventilation holes. One is located at the entrance on the front of the hive, while the other two are positioned at the front corners of the base. Some hives may also have additional covered ventilation holes in the supers. These vents are usually covered with a small gauze. It's worth noting that bees often cover these vents with wax, which can stop them from being used for ventilation or draining condensation.

To clear any blockages in the ventilation holes, use a 4mm drill bit. Gently insert the drill bit into the hole and move it upwards. Be careful not to drill too deep, as this could damage honey or pollen stores, increasing the risk of pests entering the hive. If you can see clearly into the vent or observe bees using the drain holes, it's likely that the vents are clear. Only clear the vents if you notice wax blocking them.

Ventilation holes serve two key purposes: First, they allow air to circulate within the hive, helping to regulate both temperature and humidity. Second, they provide an escape route for any moisture or condensation that might build up inside the hive. Condensation is a natural occurrence, particularly in winter, when the hive’s internal temperature is warmer than the outside air. This causes moisture to form, which increases humidity. Drain holes help by allowing this excess moisture to escape, preventing issues related to high humidity. For this reason, it’s crucial to ensure that these ventilation holes are working properly, even during the cooler months.


Plant of the Month Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia