Propagation Tips
There is two main methods of propagation. Splitting and Eduction. Both methods can be used to successfully create more colonies from your exisiting hives of native bees.
Each type of propagation is quite technical and cannot be summaries quickly in a blog article. If you have not split a hive before we do recommend you attend a community workshop to learn the process or get in touch and we can come and split your hive.
In this blog post I just wanted to give a few quick tips that can help your propagation.
Ensure you have all equipment necessary prior to opening the hive. (Equipment needed: Correct Sized Empty Box, Hive Tool, Methylated Spirits for Sterilisation of tools, Cutting Blade, steady work surface, Personal Protective Equipment, Insect Veil, Long Sleeve Shirt and Hat.
Choose a propagation method that suits the time you have avaliable. Eduction can take a long time and requires consistent checking, generally weekly. Splitting takes less time but involves opening the hive up which can be more intimidating for some beekeepers.
Timing and Weather. Choose a calm clear day to perform your split or initiate propagation. On calm clear days the bees can be much more responsive to propagation. Best time of year to split is dependant on your location but as a general guide, from Oct-Dec is usually a good choice.
Some useful products for propagation are linked below.